Break the soul-sucking cycle of doing and discover how to start being.

LEARN HOW TO set your dreams free and equip yourself with the skills to manifest them into reality.

I grew a greater ability to gain self-love, prosper in business, and stand tall.

“With Marisa’s help I grew a greater ability to gain self-love, prosper in business, and stand tall. Our sessions helped me grow to my fullest potential."


It’s time to stop hustling and start raising your vibration to attract more peace, freedom, and ease.


and my intuition is telling me…

  • You’ve been hustling for decades and it’s left you questioning who you are, what you really want, and how to attract it. You feel stuck in an endless loop that leaves you more discouraged with each attempt to move forward.

  • You’re afraid to pursue your truest desires (and perhaps even admit you have them) because what if you fail? You hate failure! On the other hand, what if you succeed?! You’re not sure you’re worthy of that either.

  • You understand that living the authentic, meaningful life you’re meant for requires unearthing and processing things you’ve buried deep—yet you’re terrified you don’t have what it takes to do the difficult work of healing.

  • You’re so accustomed to putting yourself last, it seems selfish to invest any time or money into you. Instead, you resist pulling the trigger any time you feel ready, holding yourself back again and again.

I was able to see life differently, I gained a fresh perspective, and most importantly, aligned my life to my true self.

"During our work together I learned how to cognitively handle open wounds and alter the long list of limited beliefs I constantly thought about, without even knowing I was placing them at the center of all of my daily experiences. I was able to see life differently, I gained a fresh perspective, and most importantly, aligned my life to my true self."


Now take a deep breath, close your eyes, and imagine if you could…

  • Stop wasting time and money on approaches that don’t work, and get serious about discovering new, practical ways of being and creating.

  • Release the fears about whether you’re worthy of the life you crave (or if it’s even possible!), and embrace what will happen if you slow down and actively choose change.

  • Permanently break the toxic cycle of overworking and people-pleasing, so you can uncover what YOU want before manifesting it unapologetically.

  • Feel so deeply tapped into who you are and what you’re meant for that you become unwaveringly confident in yourself and your choices.

I’m here to be your guide


Three months of deeply personal 1:1 support and attention with the space and comfort to vulnerably process in private as you learn, heal, and grow.

If you’re ready to start listening to your soul


10 weeks of structured, self-paced learning modules with weekly accountability goals, access to like-minded women, and support.

I have become more self-aware, learned how to set realistic expectations, and I am beginning to set healthy boundaries.

“Marisa has helped me find my footing and has given me the tools to rebuild my foundation. I have become more self-aware, learned how to set realistic expectations, and I am beginning to set healthy boundaries in my life. Through Marisa’s coaching, I am discovering my true, authentic self. Marisa is a gift!”

—kelly h.

Private Coaching

A Personal 1:1 Experience

Embark on a 3-month private coaching journey toward creating everything calling to you from within.

(Bonus, this time you'll gain the confidence, build the self-trust, and have the support you need to actually DO THE THING.)

It's time to pause how you’ve been operating (which let's be honest, isn’t working), intentionally re-evaluate what’s next, and learn how to attract the future you crave.


Because money, freedom, balance, peace, abundance, excitement, joy, and stability?

That comes from clarity, healing, identity shifting, new habit formation, and scientific manifestation techniques. (Alongside a healthy dose of accountability)

And you won't be doing it alone. Each week, you and I will connect for a one hour intensive that includes step-by-step exercises to practice and enhance your progress between sessions.


What you’ll master:

  • Habit formation for success

  • Rewiring your limiting beliefs

  • Reclaiming your personal power

  • Clarifying your core needs, values, and purpose

  • The science of universal law and how to manifest

  • Learning how to overcome self-doubt and emotional spirals

  • Connecting with your intuition to build your future from the inside out

  • Shedding attachments to old identities that no longer fit and embodying new truth

  • Releasing unhealed past trauma emotionally and energetically using the E4 Trauma Method®️

Marisa helped me to break down what I wanted and guided me in how to communicate.

“I cannot say enough about Marisa as a human being, coach, and Reiki practitioner. I came to Marisa when I was ready to make a big shift in my career. Marisa helped me to break down what I wanted, guided me in how to communicate and encouraged me to not make compromises. I am thankful for Marisa and the work she does.”


The coach you’ve been searching for.

Hi! I’m Marisa, your anti-hustle coach

I’m here to help you master your thoughts and energy…

After years of accumulating titles, molding myself into who I thought I should be, and burying my feelings—I had an awakening. To live a truly fulfilling life, I needed to tune into my inner voice, heal my false beliefs, unearth what I truly wanted, and develop the habits to manifest it!

Being the Type A achiever I am, it became my mission to learn everything I could to help myself, then use that knowledge to create the tools and frameworks to help others.

Along the way, I obtained a life coaching certification, an accreditation in emotional intelligence coaching, and to round it off, trained as a spiritual coach. (All in nationally recognized ICF accredited programs).

I took the best of what I learned within each of these methods and weaved them throughout my coaching method. This multidisciplinary approach helps my clients figure out what it is they want to be, do, or become.

And then, most importantly, it gives them the tools to get out there and DO the damn thing—without working harder or longer.

Because who has time to waste?!

I have seen many therapists, but Marisa's approach was by far the one that changed my life the most.

"There are no words for what Marisa did for me. She made me see so much about myself, the situation and helped me heal deep seeded wounds. Her coaching taught me a way to see outside of the problem and to come to my own conclusions. I have seen many therapists, but her approach was by far the one that changed my life the most. Marisa is amazing. THANK YOU for all you’ve done for me. Our sessions helped me grow to my fullest potential."
